Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wow, it really HAS been a while.

Greetings to all (and that means ANYONE who follows this blog.) I guess by now you realize that I am really not much of a blogger, I'm much more of a photographer. I hope to add some photos to this blog, because it truly needs a few. There has been so much going on in Chicago (and the World) since I last posted to this anything here. It seems like the world is on fire with armed conflicts in the Mideast, Ukraine, and Africa. Not to mention the usual political discord here in the United States. I'm going to try and post timely photos of how all these issues intersect here in the Windy City. So, let me see if I can start adding a photo or two to this blog. That will be the best way that I can share a thousand words on the what's happening in the world today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is it SNOWMAGEDDON or SNOWPOCALYPSE? I Can't Seem to Remember

Yes, It's snowing outside, a big snow storm is sweeping through the Midwest and Chicago is getting it's fair share of the white, cold, fluffy stuff. I must say that I sometimes find myself a little perplexed as to why exactly some many people seem SHOCKED by the fact that it's going to snow in Chicago during winter. I'm gonna guess that they aren't from around here (go back to Florida!) Anyway, I don't have too much too say, or really too many photos to post, either, I just that I'd drop in to make sure this blog thin was still working. Until later then, stay warm & cozy.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Get Out There And Shoot Something!

Get up, get your camera, get out, get shooting!

Today, after a few years of procrastination, I decided to start blogging once again. I am not really one for doing much writing, I'm much more of a point & shoot street photographer, but I'm getting back in the saddle with this whole blogging thing. Lord knows I've been miro-blogging on Twitter with the greatest of ease for quite some time now, so how hard can this be?

For the few of you whom stumble upon my blog I hope you enjoy the my photos, my ramblings on life (some witty, some not so much,) and my efforts to CONNECT with you all in this modern world that sometimes finds us all connected through social media almost 24/7, but not really saying much to each other of any real importance. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. My fist blog entry is titled Get Out There And Shoot Something, but I probably should have called it Get Out There And DO Something! So many of us really want to be doing SOMETHING to better our lives or our world, and we just never seem to be on the right track to do it, or we're not making enough progress towards it. I hope that everyday in my life I'm at least trying to doing something meaningful as I get from Point A to Point B, but often I fear I'm not. Well, I know by at least blogging about it, you'll see if I'm making two steps forward or one step back in my efforts.